Project: TutorConnect

This is an address book made for tuition centre managers to easily track, schedule, and notify tutors of their upcoming schedule, optimised for users who prefer a CLI.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • Code contributed:
  • Enhancements implemented:
    • New feature: Added the ability to edit schedules. (Pull request #136, #171)
      • What it does: Allows the user to edit schedules.
      • Justification: This feature improves the product by allowing users to modify start and end time of schedules that are in the address book.
    • New feature: Added the ability to change theme. (Pull request #197)
      • What it does: Allows user to change colour themes.
      • Justification: This feature improves the product by allowing users to view the address book with different colour palettes.
      • Highlights: The implementation was challenging as it required parsing the theme input (e.g. dark) and assigning the filepath for the style to be used on top of parsing the command (i.e. theme). This feature also required modifications to UserPrefs in order to save the previously used theme.
    • Refactored feature: Refactored the AddCommand to AddTutorCommand. (Pull request #61)
      • What it does: Add tutors to the address book.
      • Highlights: Safe removal of address and tags of a Person object.
  • Documentation:
    • User Guide (Pull requests #51, #149, #195, #239)
      • Added usage of User Guide section.
      • Added details of feature to add tutor.
      • Added details of feature to edit schedule.
      • Added details of feature to change theme.
      • Updated feature categories and added signposting with ‘you’ language.
      • Added glossary.
    • Developer Guide (Pull request #140, #244)
      • Added implementation details of feature to add tutor.
      • Added implementation details of feature to edit schedule.
      • Added implementation details of feature to change theme.
      • Added planned enhancements for edit schedule.
      • Added planned enhancements for tutor name case sensitivity.
  • Contribution to team-based tasks:
    • Implement schedule structure: added UniqueScheduleList. (Pull request #97)
    • Fix bug: deleting a tutor must delete all associated schedules. (Pull request #117)
    • Triage PED bugs.
  • Review/ mentoring contributions: