Welcome to TutorConnect

TutorConnect is an address book made for tuition centre coordinators to easily track and schedule tuition classes.

Say goodbye to scheduling conflicts and the complicated process of allocating classes to your tutors!

Here’s an overview of what you can do with TutorConnect:

  • Store and edit information about your tutors
  • Create and plan your tutor availability and schedule
  • View upcoming schedules

Sounds good, right? On top of these functionalities, we believe in bringing you the most efficient scheduling tool. TutorConnect is optimised for users who can type fast and utilise the Command Line Interface (CLI) to complete tasks using the keyboard faster than using the mouse.

Table of Contents

Usage of the User Guide

This User Guide is designed to be used alongside TutorConnect, for you to make the most of the app and get the most enjoyable experience tracking and scheduling tuition classes.

A warm welcome to TutorConnect! Before we dive into the details, let’s get you started with a quick overview of how to navigate and use this User Guide successfully.

For :star: First time users, we’re thrilled to have you onboard! Get started with a Tutorial here.

For :star::star::star: Experienced users, thank you for choosing TutorConnect! You may refer to the Command Summary here.

TutorConnect’s User Guide is made with you in mind. It is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate. Here are a few tips for smooth navigation:

  • Hyperlinks: Throughout this guide, you’ll find hyperlinks that can take you to related sections or external resources. Click on these links to access additional information or jump to different parts of the guide.
  • Back to Top Button: At the end of each section, you’ll find a Back To Top button, to return you to the Table of Contents.

Common Notation

Throughout this User Guide, you will also find some extra information provided. Look out for these coloured boxes!

:bulb: Tip

Tips are used to provide helpful advice, suggestions, or best practices to enhance your experience by making a task easier or more efficient.

:warning: Warning

Warnings are used to alert you about potential issues, errors, or risks associated with a task or action. They are essential for preventing mistakes and ensuring safety.

:information_source: Information

Information sections provide additional background knowledge or context to help you understand a topic better.

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Quick Start

Welcome to TutorConnect! We are excited to get you started with a more efficient scheduling method.

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 installed in your Computer. To verify, perform the following steps:
    1. Open a terminal. Refer to the following guides on how:
      1. MacOS
      2. Windows
    2. Type java -version and press Enter.
    3. If it says a version other than 11 or command not found, please install Java 11 by following this guide.
  2. Download the latest jar file (TutorConnect.jar) from our Github Releases.

  3. Move the jar file into a new folder called “TutorConnect”.

  4. Double-click the jar file to launch the application.

:information_source: Mac users

If you are a Mac user, you may encounter a warning that says the jar file cannot be opened because it is from an unidentified developer. To continue:

  1. Right-click on the jar file and select Open With > JavaLauncher (default)
  2. Press Open when prompted

:warning: Unable to open jar file

If the jar file cannot launch on double-click:

  1. Open a command terminal (using Windows or Mac) on the folder where TutorConnect.jar is.
  2. Type the following command in the terminal: java -jar TutorConnect.jar and hit enter.
  3. The command should run and launch the application.

TutorConnect comes equipped with a GUI interface that provides visual feedback to you. Below is a quick overview of the various components of our interface.

ui overview

Component Description
Command Box You will enter your commands along with its input here.
Menu Bar Contains relevant buttons for the application.
Result Display Displays the results of your commands.
Any error messages will also be displayed here.
Tutor Details Contains information related to the tutor like name, phone number etc.
Schedule Details Contains information related to the schedule like assigned tutor, start time etc.
Current Time Displays the current date and time.

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TutorConnect Tutorial (for new users)

Hello and welcome to TutorConnect! We’re delighted you’ve chosen our platform to manage your tuition centre’s tutors and schedules.

Before we begin, please ensure that you have viewed the following sections of the guide:

This tutorial aims to guide you through the essential features and functionalities of TutorConnect that you will use on a day-to-day basis. You will be adding your first tutor and corresponding schedule!

Click on any of these below to jump to the respective sections of the tutorial!



When you first launch TutorConnect, you will notice that it comes preloaded with sample data for you to experiment with. You may use the sample data to familiarise yourself with the various features that TutorConnect provides.

Once you’re ready to start using TutorConnect for your tuition centre, you can easily remove all the sample data:

  1. Type clear into the command box
  2. Hit enter

Yay! Now it’s time to get started with TutorConnect!

Adding your first tutor

Let’s say you have a tutor named John Doe. He has provided you with his phone number: 9123 4567 and his email address: johndoe@example.com.

Here is how you would use the add-t command to add John Doe to TutorConnect:

  1. Simply type add-t n/John Doe p/91234567 e/johnd@example.com into the command box
  2. Hit enter
  3. Voila! John Doe is now in TutorConnect

Adding your first schedule

Now that your tutors are in TutorConnect, it’s time to start scheduling classes for them!

Let’s say you have a class on 1 October 2023 from 9AM to 11AM.

Let’s assign the class to John Doe.

Here is how to use the add-s command to assign the schedule to John Doe:

  1. Get the TUTOR_INDEX of the tutor you wish to assign the schedule to tutor-index
  2. Simply type add-s 1 st/2023-10-01T09:00 et/2023-10-01T11:00 into the command box
  3. Hit enter
  4. Tada! John Doe now has a class scheduled on 1 October 2023 from 9AM to 11AM

Marking your schedule as completed

Now that class is over, it is time to mark the schedule as completed!

Here is how to use the mark command to mark the schedule as completed:

  1. Get the SCHEDULE_INDEX of the schedule you wish to mark as completed schedule-index
  2. Simply type mark 1 m/1 into the command box
  3. Hit enter
  4. Tada! The schedule is now marked as completed

Congratulations! You have successfully added your first tutor and schedule, and also marked a schedule as completed in TutorConnect. We hope that this tutorial has helped guide you through the basic features of TutorConnect. Please refer to the Features Section to see what else TutorConnect can do. Alternatively, you can visit the FAQ Section.

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From pairing classes with tutors to managing your tuition centre schedules, TutorConnect provides you with a fuss-free solution for all your scheduling needs. This section shows you how to use TutorConnect to its full potential. Let’s get started!

Tutors are the core of your tuition centre management. This section will show you all the features related to tracking tutor information within your tuition centre.

Adding a tutor: add-t

Adds a tutor to TutorConnect.

:star: First time users


A new tutor named John Doe has just joined your tuition centre. His phone number is 98765432 and his email address is johnd@example.com.

Let’s add him into TutorConnect.

Follow these steps

Type in add-t n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com and press enter.

What you can expect to see

Amazing! Tutor John Doe has now been added to the bottom of the displayed list.

add tutor

:star::star::star: Experienced users

Command format

add tutor command

:information_source: Tutor’s name

Take note of the following constraints regarding tutor’s names!

  • Tutor’s name can only include letters and numbers.
  • Tutor’s name is case-sensitive. E.g., John and john are considered different names!

Errors you might encounter

Here is a list of the error messages you may encounter, when the command is entered incorrectly:

Error Message Reason
Invalid command format! One or more of the tags n/, p/, e/ is missing.
Names should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, and it should not be blank Tutor name input was either invalid or blank.
Phone numbers should only contain numbers, and it should be at least 3 digits long Tutor phone number input was either invalid or blank.
Emails should be of the format local-part@domain and adhere to the following constraints Tutor email input was
either invalid or blank2.
Multiple values specified for the following single-valued field(s): n/ More than 1 n/ was given in the command.
Multiple values specified for the following single-valued field(s): p/ More than 1 p/ was given in the command.
Multiple values specified for the following single-valued field(s): e/ More than 1 e/ was given in the command.
This tutor already exists in the address book There is a tutor with the same name in the address book.

Refer to input information for details about valid inputs.

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Editing a tutor: edit-t

Edits an existing tutor found in TutorConnect.

:star: First time users


Imagine that tutor John Doe has changed his phone number to 87654321.
As a tuition centre coordinator, you want to have the most up-to-date information on your tutors.

Let’s use the edit tutor command to update his phone number!

Follow these steps

  1. Type in list-t, press enter, and find John Doe in the list of tutors.
  2. Let’s say you found him at position 9.
  3. Type in edit-t 9 p/87654321 and press enter.

What you can expect to see

Voila! His phone number has now been updated to 87654321.

edit tutor

:star::star::star: Experienced users

Command format

edit tutor command

Errors you might encounter

Here is a list of the error messages you may encounter, when the command is entered incorrectly:

Error Message Reason
Invalid command format! Invalid or missing TUTOR_INDEX.
The person index provided is invalid TUTOR_INDEX entered is not in the range of number of tutors.
Names should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, and it should not be blank Tutor name input was either invalid or blank.
Phone numbers should only contain numbers, and it should be at least 3 digits long Tutor phone number input was either invalid or blank.
Emails should be of the format local-part@domain and adhere to the following constraints Tutor email input was either invalid or blank2.
Multiple values specified for the following single-valued field(s): n/ More than 1 n/ was given in the command.
Multiple values specified for the following single-valued field(s): p/ More than 1 p/ was given in the command.
Multiple values specified for the following single-valued field(s): e/ More than 1 e/ was given in the command.
This tutor already exists in the address book There is a tutor with the same name in the address book.
At least one field to edit must be provided There is no n/, p/ or e/ tag provided to edit a field.

You can also refer to input information for details about valid inputs.

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Listing all tutors: list-t

Displays a list of all tutors in TutorConnect.

:star: First time users


Imagine that you have found the details of the tutor John Doe and want to go back to view the list of tutors.
As a tuition centre coordinator, you want to view the list of tutors after filtering the list of tutors.

Let’s use the list tutor command to view the most updated list of tutors!

Follow these steps:

  1. Type in find-t John and press enter to find any tutors with the name John.
  2. Let’s say you have successfully found one tutor named John Doe.
  3. Type in list-t and press enter to go back to view the full updated list of tutors.

What you can expect to see

Great job! You have found the full updated list of tutors.

list tutor

:star::star::star: Experienced users

Unlike list-s, list-t does not take in any fields.
Anything you type after list-t will be ignored.

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Locating tutors by name: find-t

Finds tutors whose names contain any of the given keywords.

:star: First time users


You would like to contact tutor John Doe, but you can’t remember his phone number. You try to look for him in the list of tutors but the list has gotten far too long, and you can’t find him.

If this has happened to you before, fret not! The find tutor command is here to save the day.

Follow these steps

Type in find-t john and press enter.

What you can expect to see

Tada! You have found tutor John Doe (and any other tutors whose name contains John).

:star::star::star: Experienced users

Command format

find tutor command

Errors you might encounter

This command is relatively straight forward to use and has only 1 possible error:

Error Message Reason
Invalid command format! No KEYWORD was provided.

Learn more about the search behaviour1 and supercharge your search now!

You can also refer to input information for details about valid inputs.

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Deleting a tutor: delete-t

Deletes a tutor from TutorConnect.

:star: First time users


Imagine the tutor John Doe has left the tuition centre and you want to remove him from the tutor list to keep the list of tutors updated.

No worries! Let the delete tutor command help you to remove John Doe from the tutor list.

Follow these steps

  1. Type list-t and press enter to get the index number of the tutor to be deleted.
  2. Let’s say the tutor to be deleted John Doe, is in position 9 of the tutor list.
  3. Type delete-t 9 and press enter.

What you can expect to see

Well done! You have deleted tutor John Doe.

delete tutor

:star::star::star: Experienced users

Command format delete tutor command

Errors you might encounter

Here is a list of the error messages you may encounter, when the command is entered incorrectly:

Error Message Reason
Invalid command format! Invalid or missing TUTOR_INDEX.
The person index provided is invalid TUTOR_INDEX entered is not in the range of number of tutors.

You can also refer to input information for details about valid inputs.

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As busy tuition centre coordinators, creating conflict-free schedules is no easy feat. Don’t worry! TutorConnect has you covered with our extensive list of features, all about creating and managing scheduling issues.

Adding a schedule: add-s

Adds a schedule to a specified tutor.

:star: First time users


You have a new upcoming class on 1 December 2023 from 9AM to 11AM.

Let’s assign this class to the tutor Bernice Yu.

Follow these steps

Type in add-s 1 st/2023-12-01T09:00 et/2023-12-01T11:00 and press enter.

What you can expect to see

Wow! The new schedule for Bernice Yu has now been added to the list of schedules.

:information_source: Position of new schedule
Too many schedules? Don’t worry! Upcoming and past schedules are displayed as separate lists. Schedules are also sorted with those closest to the current date on top.
:star::star::star: Experienced users

Command format

add schedule command

Here is a list of the error messages you may encounter, when the command is entered incorrectly:

Error Message Reason
Invalid command format! Invalid TUTOR_INDEX or some of the tags st/, et/ is missing.
StartTime should only contain a valid date and time in the format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm", and it should not be blank The start time entered is not in the correct datetime format3.
EndTime should only contain a valid date and time in the format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm", and it should not be blank The end time entered is not in the correct datetime format3.
Multiple values specified for the following single-valued field(s): st/ More than 1 st/ was given in the command.
Multiple values specified for the following single-valued field(s): et/ More than 1 et/ was given in the command.
This schedule already exists in the address book There is a schedule for the same tutor with the same start and end time in the address book.
This tutor has a clashing schedule in the address book There is a schedule for the same tutor with overlapping times in the address book.
Schedules start time must be before its end time and both should be on the same day The provided start time is either before the end time or they are not on the same day.

Refer to input information for details about valid inputs.

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Editing a schedule: edit-s

Edits an existing schedule in TutorConnect.

:star: First time users


One day, tutor Bernice Yu requested to change the timing of a class on 15th September, so that it starts at 8am instead of 9am.

The edit schedule function is here for that!

Follow these steps

  1. Type in list-s to find the schedule to update.
  2. Let’s say the schedule to be updated is in position 1.
  3. Type in edit-s 1 st/2023-09-15T08:00 and press enter.

What you can expect to see

Tada! The schedule has now been updated to 8am.

edit schedule

:star::star::star: Experienced users

Command format

edit schedule command

Errors you might encounter

Here is a list of the error messages you may encounter, when the command is entered incorrectly:

Error Message Reason
Invalid command format! Invalid or missing SCHEDULE_INDEX.
The schedule index provided is invalid SCHEDULE_INDEX entered is not in the range of number of schedules.
EndTime should only contain a valid date and time in the format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm", and it should not be blank The end time entered is not in the correct datetime format3.
StartTime should only contain a valid date and time in the format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm", and it should not be blank The start time entered is not in the correct datetime format3.
Multiple values specified for the following single-valued field(s): st/ More than 1 st/ was given in the command.
Multiple values specified for the following single-valued field(s): et/ More than 1 et/ was given in the command.
This schedule already exists in the address book There is a schedule for the same tutor with the same start and end time in the address book.
This tutor has a clashing schedule in the address book There is a schedule for the same tutor with overlapping times in the address book.
At least one field to edit must be provided There is no st/ or et/ tag provided to edit a field.
Schedules start time must be before its end time and both should be on the same day The provided start time is either before the end time or they are not on the same day.

You can also refer to input information for details about valid inputs.

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Listing all schedules: list-s

Displays a list of all schedules in TutorConnect. List can be filtered by tutors assigned or status.

:star: First time users


You wish to view schedules assigned to tutor Irfan Ibrahim that have been marked as COMPLETED.

Use the list schedule function!

Follow these steps

  1. On the left panel that shows the list of tutors, check the TUTOR_INDEX of Irfan Ibrahim. Here, the index is 2.
  2. Type in list-s 2 m/1 and press enter.

What you can expect to see

Tada! For step 2, the schedule list has now been updated to show schedules assigned to tutor Irfan Ibrahim that are marked as COMPLETED.

:bulb: list-s usage

Good news! list-s command is equipped with various options to view a list of schedules that covers the following scenarios:

  • list-s : To show all schedules.
  • list-s TUTOR_INDEX : To show schedules assigned to the tutor with index TUTOR_INDEX.
  • list-s m/0 : To show all schedules marked as MISSED.
  • list-s m/1 : To show all schedules marked as COMPLETED.
  • list-s TUTOR_INDEX m/0 : To show schedules assigned to the tutor with index TUTOR_INDEX marked as MISSED.
:star::star::star: Experienced users

Command format

:information_source: Optional inputs

TUTOR_INDEX and m/ are optional fields. You don’t need to include them. If you do, make sure that the input is valid!

Errors you might encounter

Here is a list of the error messages you may encounter, when the command is entered incorrectly:

Error Message Reason
Invalid command format! TUTOR_INDEX is not a valid number.
The person index provided is invalid TUTOR_INDEX entered is not in the range of number of tutors.
Status has to be either MISSED (m/0) or COMPLETED (m/1) Schedule status entered is not 0 or 1.
Multiple values specified for the following single-valued field(s): m/ More than 1 m/ was given in the command.

You can also refer to input information for details about valid inputs.

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Locating schedules by name: find-s

Finds schedules assigned to tutors whose names contain any of the given keywords.

:star: First time users


You wish to view the list of schedules from a tutor named Bernice. Unfortunately, you forgot what her last name is.

The find schedule function is here for that!

Follow these steps

  1. Type in find-s Bernice and press enter.

What you can expect to see

Tada! The schedule list has now been updated to show schedules assigned to tutors whose names contain the word “Bernice”.

find schedule tutor

:star::star::star: Experienced users

Command format

find schedule command

Learn more about the search behaviour1 and supercharge your search now!

Errors you might encounter

Here is a list of the error messages you may encounter, when the command is entered incorrectly:

Error Message Reason
Invalid command format! No KEYWORD provided.

You can also refer to input information for details about valid inputs.

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Marking a schedule: mark

Sets the status of a schedule in TutorConnect.

:star: First time users


A class has ended and hence the schedule representing that class should be now marked as COMPLETED.

Fret not, as you can do just that with the mark command.

Follow these steps

  1. Type in list-s, press enter, and find the schedule you want to mark as COMPLETED.
  2. Let’s say the schedule is at position 1.
  3. Type in mark 1 m/1 and press enter.

What you can expect to see

Yay! The schedule has been marked as COMPLETED.

mark schedule

:star::star::star: Experienced users

Command format

mark schedule command

:information_source: Schedule status

  • There are only two types of schedule status: MISSED or COMPLETED.
  • To set the status of the specified schedule to MISSED, use m/0 as 0 indicates the MISSED status.
  • To set the status of the specified schedule to COMPLETED, use m/1 as 1 indicates the COMPLETED status.
  • You can provide multiple values for the status field, e.g. mark 1 m/0 m/0 m/1. Only the last status field will be used. In the example earlier, it will use m/1 and set the schedule status to be COMPLETED.

Errors you might encounter

Here is a list of the error messages you may encounter, when the command is entered incorrectly:

Error Message Reason
Invalid command format! Invalid or missing SCHEDULE_INDEX or missing schedule status.
The schedule index provided is invalid SCHEDULE_INDEX entered is not in the range of number of schedules.
Status has to be either MISSED (m/0) or COMPLETED (m/1) Schedule status entered is not 0 or 1.

You can also refer to input information for details about valid inputs.

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Unmarking a schedule: unmark

Removes the status of a schedule.

:star: First time users


Oops! You have accidentally marked the wrong schedule to be COMPLETED.
The class for that schedule has yet to occur so its status should be left empty.

Don’t worry, as you can do just that with the unmark command.

Follow these steps

  1. Type in list-s, press enter, and find the schedule you want to unmark.
  2. Let’s say the schedule to be unmarked is at position 1.
  3. Type in unmark 1 and press enter.

What you can expect to see

Phew! The schedule has now been unmarked.

unmark schedule

:star::star::star: Experienced users

Command format

unmark schedule command

Errors you might encounter

Here is a list of the error messages you may encounter, when the command is entered incorrectly:

Error Message Reason
Invalid command format! Invalid or missing SCHEDULE_INDEX.
The schedule index provided is invalid SCHEDULE_INDEX entered is not in the range of number of schedules.

You can also refer to input information for details about valid inputs.

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Deleting a schedule: delete-s

Deletes a schedule from TutorConnect.

:star: First time users


Imagine the schedule assigned to Bernice Yu on 15 September 9am to 11am has been cancelled, and you want to remove the schedule.

No worries! Let the delete schedule command help you!

Follow these steps

  1. Type list-s and press enter to get the index number of the schedule to be deleted.
  2. Let’s say the schedule to be deleted is in position 1 of the schedule list.
  3. Type delete-s 1 and press enter.

What you can expect to see

Well done! You have deleted the schedule assigned to Bernice Yu.

delete schedule

:star::star::star: Experienced users

Command format delete schedule command

Errors you might encounter

Here is a list of the error messages you may encounter, when the command is entered incorrectly:

Error Message Reason
Invalid command format! Invalid or missing SCHEDULE_INDEX.
The schedule index provided is invalid SCHEDULE_INDEX entered is not in the range of number of tutors.

You can also refer to input information for details about valid inputs.

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Viewing calendar: show

Displays schedules on a specified day as a calendar view.

:star: First time users


After adding all your tutors’ schedules, you would like to view the schedules on a given day as a calendar.

You’re in luck with the calendar view command!

Follow these steps

To view the schedules on 15 September 2023 as a calendar, type in show 2023-09-15 and press enter.

What you can expect to see

Woah look at that! The schedules are now being displayed in a calendar form.

show calendar

:bulb: Worried about having too many schedules to view?

  1. Simply use find-t to show the tutors first (e.g. find-t John to show all tutors with the name John).
  2. Now, just use the show command to view their schedules in calendar view on a given date. It’s that simple!

Note: Use list-t before show to view the schedules for all tutors again.

:star::star::star: Experienced users

Command format

show calendar command

Errors you might encounter

This command might seem complicated, but it is easy to use with only 1 possible error:

Error Message Reason
Invalid command format! Invalid or missing DATE.

:warning: Calendar limitations

  • Schedules with very short duration may not be displayed correctly (the schedule’s information will not be readable).
  • Using any other commands will hide the calendar view. Use the show command to view calendar again.

You can also refer to input information for details about valid inputs.

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System Feature

Beyond just providing you with powerful features related to tutors and schedule tracking, TutorConnect offers some additional system features to take your experience with us to the next level!

Changing theme: theme

Changes the theme of TutorConnect.

:star: First time users


Want a change of scenery? TutorConnect supports 3 colour palettes for you to choose from! No more looking at a boring interface. Let’s say you want to switch to blue theme.

Follow these steps

Type in theme blue.

What you can expect to see

Wow! A whole new colour scheme.

:star::star::star: Experienced users

Command format

theme command

:information_source: Extra NEW_THEME inputs are ignored

The theme command is a lenient one! Only the first input you provide is used. Any additional inputs thereafter will be ignored.

For example:

  • theme blue white, is equivalent to theme blue.
  • theme white blue, is equivalent to theme white and will encounter an error message.

Errors you might encounter

Here is a list of the error messages you may encounter, when the command is entered incorrectly:

Error Message Reason
Invalid command format! NEW_THEME field was left blank and not specified.
Theme provided does not exist NEW_THEME field was not dark, light or blue.

You can also refer to input information for details about valid inputs.

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Clearing all data: clear

Clears all data in TutorConnect.

:star: First time users


You realised that all your current tutors and schedules created are wrong, and you would like to delete them all.

Instead of deleting them one by one, use the clear command!

:warning: Warning

This action is irreversible! Your tutors and schedules will be gone FOREVER.

Do not enter the command unless you are very sure.

Follow these steps

Type in clear and press enter.

What you can expect to see

That’s it. It’s all gone. TutorConnect should now display an empty address book.

clear addressbook

:star::star::star: Experienced users

There are no additional information about this command.

As an experienced user, you should be aware of the dangers of the clear command.

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Opening the help window: help

Opens a window with instructions for getting help.


Unsure of how to use a command? Encountered an unknown error?

Get help from within the app by using the help command!

Follow these steps

Type in help and press enter.

What you can expect to see

Is that a bird? Is that a plane? Nope, it’s the help window!

:bulb: Tip

The help window can also be accessed by the button in the menu bar (above the command box)!

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Exiting the program: exit

Exits TutorConnect.


Done using TutorConnect? Quit the app!

Follow these steps

Just type the exit command and enter.

What you can expect to see

TutorConnect closes and the program stops, going into deep slumber, disappearing from your screen…zzz

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Saving the data

All your data in TutorConnect is automatically saved in your computer. No more worrying about losing your unsaved data!

:star::star::star: Experienced users

:warning: Exiting the app

To prevent any unexpected behaviour in TutorConnect, exit the app using only the exit command or the close window button.

Do not stop the app from the command terminal (using Windows or Mac).

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Editing the data

:star::star::star: Experienced users

TutorConnect supports manual edits to the data file created locally in your computer. Advanced users are welcome to update data directly by editing that data file.

:warning: Invalid edits to data file

If your changes make the data file invalid, TutorConnect will discard all data at the next run. This data cannot be recovered so proceed with caution!

As such, TutorConnect highly recommends you to make a backup of the file before you edit it.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Have some burning questions you want answered? Check out this FAQ section to find out if others have had the same question!

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous AddressBook home folder.

Q: What if I make a mistake when typing a command?
A: Don’t worry! If you make a mistake while typing a command, TutorConnect will provide an error message to guide you. Simply correct the command and try again.

Q: Can I view schedules in a different time zone?
A: Currently, TutorConnect displays schedules in your local time zone. If you need to coordinate with tutors in different time zones, you may consider using a world clock or time zone converter alongside the application.

Q: Is there a way to export my data from TutorConnect?
A: Currently, TutorConnect doesn’t have an export feature. However, you can manually copy the data.json file from the “TutorConnect” folder for backup or transfer purposes.

Q: How do I report a bug or suggest a feature?
A: We value your feedback! Please visit our Github repository and open an issue to report a bug or make a feature request.

Q: I’m encountering an issue not covered here. What should I do?
A: Feel free to reach out to our support team at support@tutorconnect.com. We’ll do our best to assist you.

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Known Issues

TutorConnect is always looking to improve. Currently, there are a few known issues within the app that our development team is working round the clock to solve. Don’t worry, every version of TutorConnect released for you to use is sure to solve your scheduling needs.

  1. When using multiple screens, if you move the application to a secondary screen, and later switch to using only the primary screen, the GUI will open off-screen. The remedy is to delete the preferences.json file created by the application before running the application again.
  2. When running Java versions older than Java 11, users may encounter an error after double clicking to launch the application. The solution is to launch the application with a command terminal as described in Warning for unable to open jar file in the Quick Start section.

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Here are some descriptions of the words you might come across in the User Guide:

Term Definition
CLI CLI is a text-based user interface that allows users to interact with the application by typing commands.
GUI GUI is a user interface that allows users to interact with the application using graphical elements like text fields, buttons, and menus.
Command A command is an instruction given to the application to perform a specific action. For example, list-t is a command to list all tutors in the address book.

Input Examples

Input Fields :heavy_check_mark: :x:
n/NAME John Doe, John Doe123 John@Doe
p/PHONE NUMBER 98765432, 987 abc, 98
e/EMAIL johnd@example.com,
johnd, johnd@p
2023-09-15 09:00,
m/SCHEDULE STATUS 0, 1 3, abc
1 0, abc
DATE 2023-09-15 2023-09-15T09:00
NEW_THEME dark, light, blue white, brown, black

Input Information

Here are some inputs you might come across in the User Guide:

Input Description Limitations
n/NAME Refers to the name of the tutor. Only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, and should not be blank.
p/PHONE NUMBER Refers to the phone number of the tutor. Only contain numbers, and should be at least 3 digits long.
e/EMAIL Refers to the email address of the tutor. Of the format local-part@domain2.
st/START_TIME Refers to the start time of the schedule. Only datetime in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm3 format is accepted.
et/END_TIME Refers to the end time of the schedule. Only datetime in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm3 format is accepted.
m/SCHEDULE STATUS Refers to the status of schedule in the list. Only numerical inputs of 0 for MISSED status and 1 for COMPLETED status is accepted
TUTOR_INDEX Refers to the position of tutor in the list. Only numerical input that ranges from 1 to the last tutor shown in the list of tutors.
Additionally, the input cannot be greater than 2147483647.
SCHEDULE_INDEX Refers to the position of schedule in the list. Only numerical input that ranges from 1 to the last schedule shown in the list of schedules.
Additionally, the input cannot be greater than 2147483647.
DATE Refers to the date to view schedules for. Only date in yyyy-MM-dd format is accepted.
NEW_THEME Refers to the name of the new theme to switch to. Only dark, light and blue themes are supported.

1 KEYWORD Search Format and Behaviour

Commands reference: find-t, find-s

  • The KEYWORD search has no restriction on characters entered e.g. h@ns is a valid input, but will only return entries matching to h@ns.
  • The KEYWORD search is case-insensitive. e.g. hans will match for Hans too!
  • The order of the KEYWORD does not matter. e.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans.
  • Only full words will be matched. e.g. Han will not match Hans.
  • Tutors matching at least one KEYWORD will be matched. e.g. Hans Bo will match both Hans Gruber and Bo Yang.
  • The KEYWORD entered will match ANY part of the tutor’s name, while KEYWORD that do not match a tutor’s name are ignored. e.g. Hans Bl@bl@$lah will match Hans Gruber and Hans Yang.

2 Email Format

Commands reference: add-t, edit-t

  1. The local-part should only contain alphanumeric characters and these special characters, excluding the parentheses, (+_.-). The local-part may not start or end with any special characters.
  2. This is followed by a ‘@’ and then a domain name. The domain name is made up of domain labels separated by periods.

The domain name must:

  • end with a domain label at least 2 characters long.
  • have each domain label start and end with alphanumeric characters.
  • have each domain label consist of alphanumeric characters, separated only by hyphens, if any.

3 yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm Format

Commands reference: add-s, edit-s

  • yyyy represents the year (e.g., 2023).
  • MM represents the month with a leading zero (e.g., 09 for September, 10 for October).
  • dd represents the day of the month with a leading zero (e.g., 03, 15).
  • T is a separator indicating the start of the time portion.
  • HH represents the hour in 24-hour format with a leading zero (e.g., 09 for 9 AM, 21 for 9 PM).
  • mm represents the minutes with a leading zero (e.g., 05).

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Command Summary

Action Format, Examples
Add Tutor add-t n/NAME p/PHONE NUMBER e/EMAIL
e.g., add-t n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com
e.g.,edit-t 2 n/James Lee e/jameslee@example.com
List Tutor list-t
Delete Tutor delete-t TUTOR_INDEX
e.g., delete-t 3
e.g., find-t James Jake
Add Schedule add-s TUTOR_INDEX st/START_TIME et/END_TIME
e.g., add-s 1 st/2023-09-15T09:00 et/2023-09-15T11:00
Edit Schedule edit-s SCHEDULE_INDEX [st/START_TIME] [et/END_TIME]
e.g., edit-s 1 st/2023-09-15T13:00
List Schedule list-s, list-s TUTOR_INDEX m/SCHEDULE STATUS
e.g., list-s 1 m/0
e.g., mark 3 m/0
Unmark Schedule unmark SCHEDULE_INDEX
e.g., unmark 3
Delete Schedule delete-s SCHEDULE_INDEX
e.g., delete-s 3
Find Schedule find-s KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]
e.g., find-s James Jake
View Calendar show DATE
e.g., show 2023-09-15
Change Theme theme NEW_THEME
e.g., theme dark
Clear clear
Help help
Exit exit

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